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 National Cathedral Inside - July 2004

The Cathedral is a working Episcopal church.  While photography is allowed, it is not an easy task given the lighting.  I did my best. 

Stained glass window on the ground floor

Stained glass window in an alcove dedicated to Andrew Mellon

One of the big windows (looking north)

Another big window (looking east)

High stained glass window

High stained glass window (looking south)

Another window on the ground floor

Saint Stephen of Hungry

Stained glass window (looking north)

Carving of Jesus on the cross

Closeup of cross carving

An ornate altar. Alex pointed out the Jesus is holding the "Holy Hand Grenade" which will mean nothing to you if you are a Monty Python fan

Focus on Jesus section of the carving

Full Jesus section of the carving

Jesus and the "Holy Hand Granade"

Organ pipes in the choir loft. This section was roped off and the lights were very dim. Sorry for the quality.

Organ ranks on the other side of the choir loft

An ornate altar

A cross made from stone taken from the Pentagon attack site

Looking west

Looking east


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This site was last updated 08/15/04